There is a controversy at Children's Pool beach, but not about seals. This site is intended as a public resource for facts surrounding the La Jolla Children's Pool controversy THE MISSION : TO UPHOLD HISTORIC DECISIONS AND PROTECT OUR BEACHES FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS FRIENDS OF THE CHILDEN’S POOL is organized to: EDUCATE the public as to the use of the Children’s Pool in accord with Miss Ellen Scripps charitable intent in 1931 in order to protect La Jolla Children’s Pool surroundings as a public park, a bathing pool for children and public recreational usage in accordance with chapter 937 of the attached deed of trust between Miss Ellen Browning Scripps, the State of California and the City of San Diego, county of San Diego. PUBLICIZE the return of the Children’s Pool to public recreational use. PROMOTE public access per the Trust, the Coastal Act, the State Constitution, the Public Trust Doctrine. FACILITATE cleaning the beach and adjacent areas as to make it attractive for human use, including removal of rodent, destructive and invasive species. STATEMENT FROM THE FOUNDERS The name says it all... The Children's Pool was created specifically for the children to learn ocean swimming and appreciation of a wonderful water resource. Occasionally, there are events that occur during the events of our daily lives that force us to take action to preserve the rights guaranteed to us under law and by historical tradition. The Children's Pool is just such a cause. It combines the aquatic education, outdoor recreation, clean water and environmental responsibility all equally under attack. Designed, built and dedicated by the namesake and benefactress of La Jolla , Miss Ellen Browning Scripps, for the specific purpose of aquatic education and recreation and the natural appreciation of the environment, challenges by radical environmental groups (ie., seal activist groups ) falsely target this resource. We feel it is our duty as citizens and ocean enthusiasts to hold the line against radical extremists that would destroy our traditions, dramatically degrade the environment and violate the Trust, in rule of law, which has recently been upheld in court (see BREACH OF FIDUCARY DUTY page 27 ). It is ironic that those who claim to represent environmental interests have created one of the most environmentally polluted and unnatural settings along the California shore. The extraordinary high concentration of pinnipeds in this man-made setting has caused a well designated status among California 's most polluted beaches. The fecal colon count has reached dangerous levels and will continue to increase as population densities of harbor seals continue to soar. It is also confounding that so-called environmental proponents would focus on the rights and propagation of the pinnipeds at The Children's Pool while ignoring the underwater desert being created by the voracious appetites of this unnatural pinniped population. Are you unwilling to visit Children's Pool Beach because you might get yelled at, or taunted, or who knows what? Complain to the City. Click here. Or just drop a line about what you know at harassed@san.rr.com See what kind of cruel and ignorant propaganda is posted against honest seal protectors |